Friday, December 5, 2008


Gedy and I are all done with christmas decorating. We finished the patio yesterday and today we finished the inside, put up the tree and decorated it. However my very favorite thing is the locomotive train set that we put around the bottom of the tree. its something that I have always wanted to do over the years and this year, I Did it!!! Here is a video of the "Vaicius Express" lol. I would get a much better video if I did it in the day time when there is more light so I might try to get a better video of it tomorrow, you also can't see the tree ornaments either. I hope you enjoy my train, I love when the horn blows. P.S. note santa in the last boxcar going for a spin lol.


Catherine said...

Poor Santa, he's getting no where in a hurry!
It's the piece de resistance!! Love it.

Stacey said...

Della says "I really love my grandma and she got burned by a hot glue gun and she has a bandage and now she wanted to read a book to me and when she comes to my house for christmas I will give her a bug hug".....oh yeah, it's snowing out today and I love to jump in the snow and eat it and make angels and snowballs and i love grandma's train. I love grandma. Yeah, I love grandma"

Anonymous said...

Thanks my Baby girl Dee, Grandma loves you tons....Muah!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my gosh, that is so awesome. What a great idea.I remember you saying a few years back that you always wanted to get a train, thats cool.
love marie