Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Never have I ever been treated so horrible

Today had to be the worse day I have had in a very long time. It didn't start out so bad, as a matter of fact I kind of felt good this morning. That was of course until left the house for a few moments to run to Dunkin donuts, and from there on my day was just a disaster. I Have been pushed, bumped into and cut off all day by men with nasty additudes (you know the grinches that hate christmas because they have to spend money). I even ran into a few while I was in work which is unusual. At any rate it made my day so miserable and I just felt like crap to begin with so I didn't need all the (men shit) on top of it. I left work at 8:30 pm with co-workers asking me what was wrong (because I am always happy) but not tonight. My last words to them were.......When I leave this parking lot any man in my way is going DOWN! by this time I have had enough! So on my way home I had to stop in walgreens (scared) but I still went in and I swear I once again got cut of by a man on his way out. I do have to say that I just didn't let them get away with it without giving them a few of my choice words. Anyway, once I was in walgreens and ended up in the christmas isle (I started playing with the toys as usual) And this one thing caught my eye and just made me burst out laughing, it was the 1st time I laughed all day, I have just about been in tears all day. So I decided this toy was mine! I bought it and have been playing with it ever since. I hope I have a much better day tomorrow and can say , wow, there still are a few gentlemen left in the world. If not I'm gonna start pushing them right back!


Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, I hope you have a much better day today... I love your lil musical tree, I am glad you got cheered up with it......
Love ya

Stacey said...

I still cannot believe the rotten day you had. I too, have had bad experiences lately with men being ignorant and I have to say I am glad that I am bringing my son up a gentleman. I had doors slammed on me, men cut in front of me, and my all time favorite, the guy who took the carriage from you the day after thanksgiving and then looked at you and said "I got it first". Dont you worry though. What goes around comes around.....LOL. Hope your day gets better!

Scottito said...

I do almost all my shopping on line cuz of all the jerks out there...looks like momma needs me to come be her shopping bodyguard...you will have to wear ear plugs though cuz I am not as nice as you and the "F" bomb will be dropping!