Sunday, January 27, 2008


On Friday Gedy and I went to Dorchester again but this time we had no kids with us because they all were in school and Natalie was taking a nap. We went to st Joseph's nursing home to visit my aunt Rose (my mom's sister) and then from there we went to get ...yep... some Lithuanian bread. After that we went to visit my mom for awhile. Then we stopped to get Hamburg and salad for dinner and went to Stacey's where gedy cooked dinner for the family, the kids love cheeseburgers well, except for Natalie who cannot eat anything that comes from a cow. Here are some photos of our day. Gedy cooking dinner ( He loves to cook) and thats fine with me because I don't.
While gedy was cooking dinner I was having a blast playing a game of hide-in-seek with the girls. Heres Natalie showing me where sam & Dee were hiding, she loves to rat them out.

I stuck my camera under Delaney's bed snapped the button and this is the photo that I got, too funny huh?

Then it was dinner time so we stopped playing for awhile while we all ate.

Then at last.........Delaney gave Papa a hair cut.....with the help of stacey of course. Stacey has become his new barber...

So here is the end of a great day. Gedy is on vacation this week but of course I am not (not this close to valentine's day) it would never happen.


Anonymous said...

That looked like so much fun,the girls are just too cute.

Robincita said...

Looks like a fun day, Momma!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny but also looks like the kids were having a blast, I know you were too.