Monday, July 30, 2007

Heat Heat, Go away!

I can't wait for winter to get here so I can hang this sign up on my front door. I don't know about all of you, but I have had enough of this "Heat" Yes, my apt has AC's in all of the rooms but I am tired of staying in and would like to go out for a nice long walk. The next 7 days shows no relief in sight, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I went to work yesterday and Loved it! the store was freezing and it was the first time in a week that I went to work, I had the week off. Well to my surprise I have the week off again this week, I only had sunday for the past 2 weeks. It is nice to have time off but, I also enjoyed getting out of the house too. I think I need to buy a summer Home in Alaska if of course, I don't have to fly to get there. I know that Robin is going to made a funny face at my Frosty sign because she loves the summer Sorry Robin, but you know how I hate the heat, Right? Anyway, I hope all of you can tolerate this heat better than I can and find a way to stay cool.
Love to all,


Robincita said...

You don't have to fly to get to Alaska but it sure would take you a long, long time. You'd have to pretty much drive cross-country into Canada and then take a boat. By the time you got there, summer would be over...hehehehe

Hell, I can't even take California winters, never mind Boston ones. YUCK!

Stacey said...

Mommy.......take me with you to Alaska.........please. I am so stuck in the house this entire summer with no central AC and have two babies under two who want to eat rocks and get into trouble. I can't stand this HEAT. I need COLD.



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