Sunday, March 23, 2008


Stacey came home from the hospital this afternoon and we are all thrilled to see her home. After spending all day friday in the emergency room tests showed that she has a small blood clot in her lungs and she was admitted into the hospital. It was a scarey 2 days for all of us but we are glad that she is on the mend now. She has to take it easy for the next week and has to give herself 2 shots a day plus another med for 6 months to a year, she also has to go to the dr everyday to have her blood taken for the next month.We are just so happy to have her home and hope she feels much better soon. I have a feeling that we will always remember this Easter although I have to say that Brian did a remarkable job getting through the weekend (not that I doubted him for a minute) He made a delicious ham dinner today also.
Last night I took Brendan in the hospital to see stacey, we stayed until about 10pm and then he stayed at my house for the night.

We had a different kind of colored eggs this year, sport eggs....So this is what we did last night, at least it kept out minds busy for awhile.

Please keep stacey in your prayers and hope that she will continue to get better with each day. We are so lucky that she went to the hospital when she did, I just want her to get well soon.


Julie Vaicius said...

I am so glad to hear Stacey is better. We will be thinking about her, hoping she is 100% in no time. love, Julie

Christy and Cynthia said...

We are so happy that you are home and feeling better. Take care of yourself and get well soon, so we can go out for some mai tais!!!! We love you!

Stacey said...

Thanks everyone for all your well wishes. It's been a tough few days and I'm still feeling under the weather. I am so bruised from the blood thinners I am administering to myself (thank goodness for nursing school experience huh????)- anyway, I am slowly mending. Thanks for all your thoughts. I have a dr. appt. tomorrow and I'll keep you all updated.

Anonymous said...

I will keep stacey and your family in my constant prayers.


Anonymous said...

Linda sorry to hear about another sad happening in your family, I will keep all of you in my prayers.

I hope all of you are doing well, just hang in there.
