Sunday, June 1, 2008

PUPPY LOVE.........

Whenever Gedy & I go over Christy & Cindy's we are always prepared to get tons of love from the dogs, but "Jacoby" well, it just seems that she has more love than she can handle, as you can see in all the photos below.
As for Gedy....he loves every minute of it, we all do.

Apollo is giving his lovin too.

Gedy is trying to check something in the pool but jacoby wants his attention.

I'm telling you this pup never runs out of love.

Although you can't see her, Samantha is under there on the floor getting tons of love.

And once again. I'm telling you these dogs are just so awesome! They are so well behaved and have plently of love to go around....all day....
Christy and Cindy, you have done a fantastic job with the dogs, and all this love they have just shows how much love that you both have for them. We love them so much!


Robincita said...

I want a smooch too!

Susan said...

Hey Linda, lovable dogs. Loveable family. You should be so proud of your children and grandchildren. Yea for Grans! - Susan Ruffin