Thursday, June 5, 2008


Grrrrrrrrrrrr, I am so aggravated. I have waited all week to bring nana home from the rehab, I have been so excited just thinking about how much she wants to be home. I was going to be the 1st one to see her face light up when she comes thru her apt door, right?...Wrong! As luck would have it I caught a little cold yesterday but thought hmmmm, just a little cold....Well about 10pm last night I started getting sick, stomach pains, running to the bathroom every 5 minutes and last, I was up all night with a cough and a temp of 103. I will now no longer be the one to take my mom home and I am so sad, I have so looked forward to it. My sister Ellie is leaving work now and she will be going in to take my mom home. I tried to get up and just push myself thru it but as stacey said......Are you crazy?? you can't go near nana with that, you will get her real sick.....and I really don't want that to happen. When I feel better I will go over to see her and take some photos. Anyway, WELCOME HOME NANA!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh, sorry to hear your not feeling well and so sorry you didn't get to bring your mom home. Hope your feeling better real soon...