Sunday, April 19, 2009


I'm sure all of you out there remember ..oh.lets say the day after Luca was born and Gedy ordered this shirt and mug for me. Well it came in the mail a week later and Luca's name was wrong, instead of Luca Ivy they put her down as 2 kids, so Luca was down the bottom of the shirt and Ivy was up the top by Brendan. So I call them and tell them that the shirt is wrong, Luca Ivy is one child, Oh i see he says..we will do the shirt over and send it right out to you, fine right?...Wrong! I get the shirt a week later and now Luca's name was at the top and Ivy was down the bottom, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Yes! I call them back but now I am not so polite, She said she understood and was going to talk to her superviser, Yep, they are going to get it right now , she said her boss told her what to do so that it will be done properly. As of now I am waiting for the shirt to arrive anyday now, I will be so scared to open it because I know if its wrong again my brains are going to pop! Also the mug was the same way. I will let you know what happens with my shirt that I want so badly. However, Gedy got a new book in the mail for Mother's day and I have my eves on another shirt...Yes! I am a Glutton for punishment! but I have found a way to make this a lot easier and less stressful, I will just put the name Luca and not Ivy, it just may work. This shirt is even more cool that the other one because not only does it say Grandma but it has flowers where the grandkids name will go, and yes, Gedy is going to buy it for me but first he said....Lets get the 1st shirt done the right way, lol
And here is the shirt that I will hopefully be wearing by mother's Day, isn't it awesome? I love it! I will also let you know how things work out with this one also.......Wish me luck!


Scottito said...

I'll call them, I'll pretend they are the Turbo tax people..I'll bet you get 5 free shirts then!! LOL!

Robincita said...

Yeah, next time, let Scott handle them. He has a knack for yelling at dumbasses.

I'm sure you'll have your shirts soon and they will be perfect!

Anonymous said...

so sorry you had to go thru all the aggravation, it will just make you appreciate the correct shirt more if and when you get it. Keep us up-to-date!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Oh & I love the new shirt too.