Tuesday, May 5, 2009


After all the crap i went through with the 1st Grandmother shirt that Gedy got for me we decided to keep the last and 4th shirt which said LUCAIVY. I thought ok its still her name, all squished together but that is probably the best its going to be, so I just kept it.
Well, Gedy got another catalog in the mail and i seen another grandma shirt that I liked even better because it says Grandma on it and has flowers on it where the grandkids names will go. So, yes! he did order it for me only this time we both agreed that we would only put Luca on the shirt, we didn't want to go through all that crap again. Well my new grandma shirt arrived last night and when i opened it the 1st name i looked at was Luca and it was right, Horray!!!!!!!!I thought, wow they finally did it! Wrong! Later last night when I went to take a pic of Luca's name on the shirt to text to scott I realized that one of the other kids name was wrong, Can you see who's name they messed up this time?

Of course I called at 8pm last night and asked for a SV and I now have a new shirt coming and was told to keep this shirt(do not send it back). He promised that he will check the shirt himself before it leaves their store, We shall see! I told that I am putting them on my speed dial. I said to him ..I don't understand what the problem with not getting the names right could be, they are not difficult names, he said, Actually, All your Grandchildren have really nice names, well i know that! So Like always it takes a week for the new shirt to arrive. So tune in to my blog next monday night and see if they can actually get it right this time, I hope so!

1 comment:

Christy and Cynthia said...

Breandan???? What the hell??? Cindy will call them and scream at them for you!!! Let me know if you want her too :)