Friday, November 30, 2007


Stacey just called me to tell me that Delaney is out of surgery and in the recovery room however, things were a little worse than expected. Her tonsils were so large that they were almost at the point of obstructing her airway. Her adenoids grew back and had to be removed again and she also had a hole in her eardrum so the Dr had to take fat from behind her ear to fix the hole,WHEW! that poor girl. We are not sure if she will be coming home today, they may keep her until tomorrow. Brian said that she was starting to wake up alittle and was really aggravated. Please keep Delaney in your prayers. I am going to Stacey's for the day but will let you know how Delaney is feeling later. I am updating this information for stacey who will not be able to blog for awhile.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


tomorrow morning Delaney has to go to the hospital to have her tonsils taken out and I just can't stop thinking about my lil sweetie. I feel like I have a huge knot in my stomach and just know that I am not going to sleep well at all. For those of you who had your tonsils taken out and can remember, know that its not an easy thing to go through and can be very painful. So please say a prayer for Delaney and hope she gets well real soon. I went over to visit her tonight after work and we played and chatted for awhile. She knows that she is going to the hospital to have her tonsils out but she really doesn't understand the just of it. I promised her that when she felt better she can sleep over my house and we will make x-mas ornaments for her x-mas tree, that put a big smile on her face. Tomorrow Ged & I will take Natalie for the day so they can give all their attention to Delaney, don't you worry Papa & I will give lil miss Natalie more attention that she can handle, we are real good at that however, Natalie being the most hyper one of the bunch I'm sure that Ged & I will be snoring by 8pm but its all good and worth it. Here is one of my favorite photos of Delaney, I hope she has that smile back on her face real soon.

Delaney, Grandma & Papa love you so much and hope you get well real soon. Muah!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


This morning started off so nice and it was just what I have been waiting for, the landscapers were here to put up all of the christmas trees and then put the lights on all of the trees around Gaslight, I love watching them do that. So all day in work I was thinking about how I just wanted to come home and see the complex all lit up, and that it was! As I turned in to Gaslight all I could see were trees all lit up going all the way down to the back, it was breathtaking as always. Here are a few photos for you .....the 1st photo is of the x-mas trees that the workers put up. This photo is the huge tree right outside of my bedroom window. I took that photo tonight when I got home.
This is all of the trees lit up going all the way down the back, this is what it looks like when you come in the village at night, (actually it looks better that in the photo).

This, well I actually stood under the huge tree and took this photo, so this is what it looks like when you stand under a x-mas tree (which only I would do).

This is a photo of my patio, well from the side anyway. I have a reindeer standing on a table which you are unable to see because of the angle.

Hopefully, I will be able to get a better photo of my patio, I was just so excited when I came home and seen the place all lit up that I didn't think to focus and just started taking photos. This weekend I am going to put up the rest of my x-mas decorations in my apt so "brace yourself" because I'm sure by sunday night " SANTA " will be all over my blog, I bet you just can't wait for that huh Robin???? HaHa.

Monday, November 26, 2007

A wonderful Thanksgiving

What a Wonderful Thanksgiving we had it was so great to have everyone (except Scott) together, We had plenty of Food, Talk & Games. Here are some photos of our Thanksgiving day, the kids had so much fun playing operation & twister, (well the adults too). Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving too. playing twister. Christy & cindy just arriving.
Delaney showing us her beautiful dress.

Gedy getting ready to bake his home made apple pie.

The Girls waiting for dinner.

eating dinner. I love the expression on Brendan's face.

Robin & cindy.

Robin wearing the turkey hat.

Papa getting a hug from our favorite Grandson.

We were suppose to get a family photo before the night was over but we all forgot about it and by the time I remembered stace, Brian and the kids had left. I think stacey and I were too busy thinking about going x-mas shopping at 5 am hehehehehe.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Mema Video

Here is a video of Mema that was taken on christmas 1992, thanks to Brian who showed up at our door with a video camera that year we will always have this memory of Mema. I hope you all enjoyed all the photos that I have posted this week of all of us, it was fun looking back into the past and remembering all of the great times that we had together. I especially want to thank Christy, Cindy, Stacey and Julie for checking in on my blog and for the comments they took the time to make about Mema. It has been a fun week and I have a such a great feeling about myself for keeping my promise to" MEMA"

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saturdays "Mema" photos

Here are the last of the photos that I will be posting of Mema for the "remembering Mema week". It was nice to see the old photos and to take a trip down memory lane and to take the time to remember a wonderful woman whom we all miss dearly. Tomorrow I am going to try to post a video of mema that was taken in 1991 by Brian when he came over for x-mas with a video camera that year. I am not positive about the exact years of these photos but I will do my best. I believe the 1st photo was about 1982? I do know the date on this photo, it was 1979.
This photo was from stacey & Brian's wedding in 1996.

This photo was taken on the day of stacey's high school graduation, 1991?

This photo between 1990-1993.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Fridays "Mema" photos

This photo was taken in June of 1996 at Stacey and Brian's wedding.
All I can say about this photo is that it was taken on Robin's prom night 1993. wow. this photo was taken in April of 1990.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Today would have been Mema's (85th) Birthday. Here are 2 photos of her (70th) Birthday party that we had for her.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wednesdays "Mema" Photo

Here is a photo from Easter 2001. I think its so cute how Mema is showing her Great- Grandson Brendan how to play the egg game that she loved playing so much at easter.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesdays "Mema" photo

Here is a photo of Mema from march of 1975.

Monday, November 19, 2007


This wednesday, November 21st will be 6 years that Mema passed away so this year I have decided to post photos of her on my blog all week because I have a feeling that she would have absolutely loved that. She once told me that she had a fear (not of passing) but being forgotten after she passed so I promised her that I will never let that happen which is why it is important for me to do this. The photo below is how we all remember her last before she went into the hospital. We are going to go to the cemetery on wednesday to bring some yellow roses (mema's favorite) and to keep the promise that I made to her years ago. I have a photo of mema on my fridge so I think of her every single day no matter how busy or crazy my life can get (like right now) and it puts a smile on my face to know that I kept my promise. Not that I would ever forget her if the photo wasn't there but sometimes we get so busy we tend to forget things that we shouldn't so the photo just makes me remember "MEMA" every single day no matter what. She was such a wonderful person and I miss her so much! Please help me remember "Mema" by veiwing my blog this week. I will add a new photo of her everyday and perhaps a funny story to go with it but to start it off here are 2 photos of "Mema" And because "Mema's" favorite color was blue I thought blue lettering would be a nice touch.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


As you can see, Robin has arrived in Boston and we are all so happy to see her. Gedy and Christy and Cindy went to the Airport to pick her up ( I of course had to work) but was I surprised when I looked up and seen Gedy, Robin, and Christy coming into the store to visit me, that was so nice and it really made my night. Christy and Cindy had a big Dinner/Party tonight for family & friends so I left work and went over to their house for awhile, it was real nice. I took some pics that I will post at the end of the week but for now here are a few for you. Stacey came into my work this morning which is why she is not in the pics with gedy, Robin, and Christy.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sisterly Love times three

>Sisters are a must and every girl should have one. Here is a photo of our 3 girls taken a couple years ago, if I am correct it was taken the last time Robin came to visit. Robin will be coming home again for thanksgiving and we can't wait to hang out with her for a week. she will arrive in Boston on this saturday night and will stay here until next saturday, Scott however will not be coming with her and we will miss him very much. So for now here is one of my favorite photos of my Girls, you just know that I will be taking tons of photos of them when they are all 3 together again.

You have to admit, they are so adorable! and
They are and always will be my "Baby Girls".

Stacey, Robin & Christy, We Love you so much!
Also, for those of you that never noticed, Stacey & Robin have "Blue eyes" like Gedy, and Christy has "Brown eyes" like me. I used to tell Gedy that I just wanted one child to have brown eyes like me....Hmmmmm, who gets the credit for that?....I think me!.....Ya, I'll take it!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Flowers! Flowers! and more Flowers!

Wow! I was so busy in work today, it was so crazy. I started out doing a few more upgrades because the 100 that I already did are selling fast. So, as I was making the upgrades people were coming in and buying all the arrangements that were in the cooler so now I have to stop making upgrades and start making arrangements to fill the cooler..
O.K. back to making upgrades, well for awhile anyway.

I made all of these upgrades the other day.

And of course, back to making arrangements again to keep the case filled. this was the 2nd Rose vase that I made in 10 minutes, I put the 1st one in the cooler and 5 minutes later a guy came along and bought it. Stacey came into the store right around the time everyone was buying all of the arrangements out of the cooler and seen that I was not a happy camper, I was truely getting aggravated with the whole arrangement thing. After all, all I was trying to do was keep the cooler filled with arrangements and to keep up with the upgrades.

Funny thing is, the one thing that I had planned on doing for today was to try to keep working on and possibly finish greening 100 containers that I will be making arrangements in all this week and next...wah!!!!!

Well, its not so bad I guess, I did manage to get 50 containers greened and hopefully I can finish doing the other 50 containers tomorrow..whew!!!!! all in all, in was a long and aggravating day today. But I am home now and I am just going to sit and relax for the rest of the night so that I can get up and do it all over again tomorrow, which I hope turns out to be better than it was today, please say a prayer for me because I don't think that I have the strength to go thru the same crazy Crap tomorrow, Holy Crap! No I don't!, I don't have the time either because all these Thanksgiving arrangements and upgrades have to be done soon, geeeeeeeez......
Love to you all,

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Gobble! Gobble! Well Almost.

I just got finished decorating the apt for Thanksgiving, I'm a little late this time because I haven't had a day off from work ( other than today ) since last friday and I think my next day off is next wednesday, yikes! You know how it goes, (well Christy, Cindy and Gedy know) when the Holidays come along and everyone else has it off from work, we surely do not and it stinks!!!So until the Holidays are over we will be working lots of hours. My fingers are still numb from yesterday, I had a long day and had to do 100 up-grades, however now that is done but I have to green 100 containers and then start making arrangements in them, yes! I love my job. anyway, here are a few photos from my apt all decorated. The first photo is of my front door from the outside in the hallway, Christy and Cindy gave it to me and I love it! This one is on the inside of my front door.
The Turkey is on the dining Room table.

A table in the living room.

Hmmmmmmm, could this be Grandma and Papa's House??

Just had to add this one.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

You won't believe this

Here is a crazy story for you. Last week my former boss ( form the dorchester store) who is now the Florist manager in the Quincy store, called me and asked me to work 2 days in the quincy for her so she could go on vacation. She wanted me to work on mon 2 t0 8pm, and on Fri 8 to 2pm, whoa! 8am, I said oh I don't do mornings and she said that she had no one else to do it and talked me into it. Well, anyone who knows me knows that I cannot and will not function in the morning. So I worried about this all week trying to figure out how I am going to get up at 4am in order to leave my house by 7am to be "in" the store and ready to work at 8am. Well somehow, and I do mean somehow....I did it! and not only did I pull it off but somehow I was 35 minutes early. I was so shocked myself that I actually took a video of the clock in the truck and the parking lot where you can see "stop & shop. I can assure you that it was a one time thing and I don't think that I will be early like that again and to boot, my new favorite song came on the radio just as I pulled into the s&s parking lot, how sweet. I don't know how all of you out there can get up and go to work in the early morning hours, I was totally pooped out by noon time. I have made it clear to all the florist mgrs that I am no longer doing to work before 10am, and thats even early for me, hahahahaha. But its a good thing that I took the video, Gedy was in shock when he seen that I was early.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I just had to add this pic of christy which she send to me yesterday on my cell phone, I thought I would die laughing. I guess ya just never know what our Girls are ever going to do, they are so funny and always have Gedy & I laughing, they are so awesome!
It started out with Gedy, Brendan & Samantha stacking all the firewood up against the side wall of the garage. Ellie & Dick delivered a cord of wood to them on Sunday. Then We were off to go trick or treating which started at 5pm and we got home at 8pm. We all had lots of fun, , here are some photos of last night. Hope everyone had a great Halloween. Natalie as...Mini Mouse.

Delaney as.....Cinderella.

Samantha as....a Skeleton. I called her Bones.

And Brendan and his cousin Aaron.

Halfway thru Natalie was pooped but today, I am.